Arbroath Road - Bumpy Ride

Responding to a recent letter in the tele;

Bumpy Road for Drivers.

In response to Broughty Commuter, I have already had discussion with the Planning & Transportation department regarding this very issue and a meeting was held at the site on 9th May. Tests of the surface have been carried out (these are more rigorous than those carried out during the councils local program) and the results indicate compaction, layer depth and material are all as per specification. A further visual inspection shows no signs of a problem.

All at the meeting acknowledge that their is a problem with the running surface but at present no one can accurately pinpoint why this has occurred. I know from experience that this road feels horrendous at present. The situation will be monitored until the end of June where further tests will be carried out. If these tests still show a defect then remedial action will have to be taken.

One possible cause of the problem is that the filled in area is a different surface to that of the existing carriageway and if this is found to be the case then a surface dressing could be put on to this carriageway in order allow the traffic to travel on a more uniform surface. Any remedial action can be taken when the road is again closed from the 28th July. The reason for this closure is to allow Scottish and Southern Energy to complete the cabling works at the Scott Fyffe Roundabout. For obvious reasons I cannot say if this will cure the problem as we will have to wait until the tests are carried out.

If after the monitoring period the road surface improves and is running smoothly, then no further action would be required.

I understand the frustration that drivers feel when road surfaces are running like this but Broughty Commuter can rest assured that it is being looked into and remedial action will be taken as necessary.

Cllr Will Dawson
East End Ward
SNP Planning and Transportation Spokesperson

Douglas Summer Festival

From tonights tele,

"Summer festival

On June 22, there will be a summer festival in Douglas and we are looking for volunteers to help out.

Are there any people who are willing to come on the day to give us a hand? We would be very grateful and you might enjoy taking part. We can be contacted c/o Community & Library Centre, Balmoral Avenue, Dundee. — Douglas Festival Committee."

I'm sure that Jim and his team who are organising this years festival will be more than happy for any help that can be given. Their will be a parade, stalls, refreshments and contributions from local groups (cadets etc if I remember correctly) so anyone that can help please get in touch with them.

Lack of updates

Have to admit I haven't posted for a while so feel quite guilty as really should be keeping all who read this updated with the work that both Christina and I do.

However on many occassions the work of a Councillor is actually quite personal.

Ok, I could report every pothole, missing street sign or unemptied bin on this blog but I don't think that is the point and it would become very boring very quickly.

Also as I have said a lot of the work is personal which would mean divulging information which people who have come to me would not want divulged!

However, I will try to update this as often as possible and appreciate any feedback that is given.

One last bit of (belated) good news. The ABB factory is finally coming down. The protective fences have gone up and have been painted (why paint a fence for demolition - I don't know but I am not going to complain about it) and I was quoted in the press recently as saying "are they blowing it up? Can I press the buton?" - Good news indeed -

some images below from the factory including ones from people who have actually managed to enter the building which was apparently under the watchful eye of security all the time.

Trolley Wars Over?

Asda have recently confirmed that they have taken on a contractor who will now come out on their behalf a few times a month in order to collect the abandoned trolleys. Finally a success! However Christina has informed me that she has had more trolleys reported in the old Pitkerro part of the ward than ever before. The problem seems to have moved! However we will keep an eye on the problem and keep on top of Asda.

Hunter Street Car Park

Glad to welcome this at committee tonight, basically the city council are planning to change the current street parking at Hunter Street with a multi story car park which will accommodate over 400 cars compared to the current 130. For those of you who do not know where this car park is, it is in the Westport area close to Session Street and immediately behind Mickey Coyles.

This to me is an excellent idea. The area is heavily used by students, residents, businesses and those wishing to use the incredibly popular cultural quarter. My only fear is that with the amount of building work going on, I asked for assurance that free traffic flow will be allowed with the amount of building work that is due to take place (or is taking place) in the area.

We have the Tay Road Bridge ramps being re-routed, the car park being built, the planned extension to the Overgate could technically start at any time, Dundee House the list seems to go on and on, however with all this going on, the free flow of traffic in the Westport and Nethergate is crucial to allow our City to function. The Convenor gave me these assurances and said that a full traffic impact assessment will be undertaken, however, I will watch with interest.
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